It is always hard to know which kitchen essentials are worth investing in and which aren’t. I’m going to share my top ten, would purchase again, kitchen essentials for homemakers.
The first several years of my marriage I only had the basics: pots, pans, cookie sheets, and a few mixing bowls. I wanted to learn new skills, which meant that I needed a few more tools in my kitchen arsenal. To avoid a cluttered kitchen, I only keep useful items stored in the kitchen which helps to eliminate that issue.
- Heavy Duty Mixer - Food Processor - Wooden Drying Rack - Simple Cotton Towels - Cast Iron Skillet - Stainless Steel Stock Pot - Mason Jars - Good, Timeless Cook Books - Coffee Pot - Coffee Grinder
Bosch Mixer-It is a beast and can make a ton of dough, which is ideal for a from scratch cook that makes bread items for a large family. Food Processor-It is great for chopping nuts, making salsas, kneading small amounts of bread or dough, and so much more.
Wooden Drying Rack- I have so many “hand wash only” dishes and I wanted something that was attractive to air dry my dishes on my counter. Cotton Towels-They are the only towels I use in my kitchen and they are pretty, as well.
Cast Iron Skillet-It is not hard. The main rule is to preheat and use lots of butter or fat. Stainless Steel Stock Pot-Stainless steel is another good option for homemakers who want to keep the toxins out of their cooking.
Mason Jars-Whether using them for glasses to drink out of or for storing things like sourdough and bone broth, mason jars are a must have. Cook Books-Y’all know my love for good cook books. Coffee Pot and Coffee Grinder-My morning love language… hot coffee.