Old World Christmas Decor


Make your home cozy for the Christmas season with these Old World tips!

Make Classic Choices

Use classic decor and textiles that never go out of style and that create warm memories.

Red, vintage beads

Red wooden beads are a classic touch for the Christmas season.  They add a pop of color and texture.

Brass deer figurines

Brass deer reflect the light from candles and fire and add weigh to and place you put them.

 Realistic garlands

Whenever you can, replicate what is happening outside your home. Keep it evergreen and fresh!

Plaid blankets

Bring warmth and classic texture with plaid or Pendleton blankets.

Candles on the mantel and tree

Add candles wherever you can, especially on the mantel and tree.


Add wreaths to doors, windows, and walls.

Realistic Tree

Opt for a more sparse, realistic tree for your living area.

Get more Cozy Tips on the blog at TheQuickJourney.com