
Favorite Things I’m Loving

I remember back in the day when I used to blog, long before Instagram, and everyone would share products, posts, recipes, or home decor they loved… just for the fun of it. Today, I’m going to share my favorite things Friday. 😂

roses in an english garden

We have been busy bees over in our neck of the woods.

There is a chill in the air and we have put our hand to the plow, so to speak, to get everything outside buttoned up for winter.

I will be sharing more on that next week, but for now I want to share a few things that I have been loving lately.

It can be hard to push through some of the things we see and hear on the news and in social media. Focusing on things that bring us hope, joy, or comfort can be helpful.

One thing I have been loving is turning my attention to my blog. Things move a bit slower over here and there isn’t as much noise.

I so enjoy sharing on social media, but I have been appreciating the slow reading and scrolling that comes with blogging. I guess it has been a renewed love for this type of platform. 😊

Enough of that. On with the favorite things…

a piano decorated for fall

Living Room I’m Loving

I guess this could actually be considered a library. It does have a wall full of books.

For several years now, I’ve prodded Mark (in a loving way, of course) about putting floor to ceiling bookcases on the big wall in our living room.

It gives such an “old world” feel and I love it. One of the things I dislike about our living room is the large wall.

It is impossible to decorate it without it looking silly, so I just leave it, which is pretty boring.

Alas, I don’t think it is going to happen with the prices of lumber these days, so I will longingly admire the floor to ceiling bookcases of other people. lol

Not only do I love how this room gives a nod to times past, I appreciate the cozy feeling it gives off, too.

a living room lit with candles

Book I’m Loving

This book has been shared in my instagram stories twice this week and I even read an excerpt aloud in my stories to share my appreciation for this book.

At times, I lose focus about what is important and where I should spend my time.

Reading about women who ran their homes well always points me in the right direction.

It’s a short book that is easy to read and very inspiring, if you are needing new reading material.

potatoes and meat loaf on a plate

Recipe I’m Loving

This recipe is one worth tucking away for the holiday season coming up. Oh, and they aren’t the cubed potatoes pictured above.

These potatoes are crazy good and now a staple in my meal planning routine.

I made these for Easter and everyone raved about them because they were so flavorful.

You can boil the potatoes ahead of time (even the day before), tuck them in the refrigerator, and bake them right before you need them.

They are a great addition to any meal, but really good for if you are preparing a large meal with guests, because they are so hands off.

We love these with any type of meat, but especially my meatloaf. I know, I know… you don’t like meatloaf.

But, have you tried MY meatloaf? 😉

a young living aria diffuser on a kitchen counter

Decorator I am Loving

I wouldn’t usually share an instagram account because I know a large portion of my audience isn’t on instagram anymore, but I had to share Jenny because she doesn’t have a blog.

Jenny popped up in my feed, somehow, and I was caught scrolling her feed because it was so beautiful.

One thing I love is that what she shares is attainable. Find some good antiques, baskets, and flowers and you’re set.

It’s classic, yet not stiff and uninviting. I love so much of what she does in her home and I am definitely taking notes!

bread dough in a bowl with an essential oil candle

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