
Best Organic Coffee for 2021

Coffee is an extremely personal thing. There are so many rich flavor profiles that it is hard to find the right one. One thing is certain, organic coffee is not only better for the environment, but it also tastes better. Let me tell you why.

the best organic coffees for 2021.  4 picture collage of different coffees and cups of coffee.

The words “organic” and “fair trade” seem like buzz words or trends, but there is really something to those labels. While we might not always be able to buy organic foods, it’s always best to do so if we can. 

What is Organic Coffee?

First, it’s important to recognize how difficult and costly it is to get the USDA organic certifications. Many coffee farms and roasters actually adhere to organic standards, but don’t get the “seal” of approval because the cost of doing so is too high for the small farmer or business.

This makes knowing who you’re getting your coffee from important. While the organic designation is one you can trust, it isn’t simply lip service, not having the stamp doesn’t necessarily mean the same healthy practices aren’t being done though.

Let’s talk about what it exactly means to drink a certified organic coffee. In order to be certified organic a farmer must ensure that:

1. The land has been synthetic-pesticide free for no less than three years

2. Coffee beans must go through a thorough cleaning process

3. Organic Coffee Beans must be roasted in separate roasters- no mixing different beans.  The roasters must be cleaned in between bean varieties, which is a costly and time-intensive.

What are the benefits of drinking Organic Coffee Beans?

To be sure, organic coffee has a more robust flavor profile, but that’s not where it ends. Organic coffee means that you aren’t polluting your body as you sip your morning brew. Regular beans leach out pesticides and chemicals as it brews, leaving you with more in your cup than just coffee. That isn’t something regular coffee drinkers want as they start their morning. Plus, organic coffee beans contain many vitamins and minerals that offer us health benefits when we drink it. In short, it just provides better coffee.

Brewing organic coffee also limits negative environmental impact. It keeps the integrity of the land sound and in many cases means that the beans are grown in the shade and not in an open field. When beans are grown in an open field, it typically means that trees were cut down in order to allow more sunlight in. Many times, organic coffee plants are shade-plants and thus no trees are unnecessarily removed to supply sunlight to the crop. 

What is Fair Trade Coffee?

Fair trade is a label given to products that adhere to strict growing and production standards. In short, it means that the product you’re purchasing has been done so in a humane way.

This seal is truly a sign of ethical standards in business and it carries a lot of weight with it. This movement was grown out of a need to ensure proper treatment of farmers, laborers, and other workers. 

peet's organic coffee sitting on a table with a white linen tablecloth covering it.  a tea kettle and chemex pour over is sitting on the table also.

Which Organic Coffee Brand do I drink?

I have two main brands of coffee that I swap out from time to time, depending upon budget and access to the brand. My favorite brand that offers the best cup of coffee, obviously this is completely according to my particular palate, is Peet’s Organic French Roast. 

1. Peet’s Organic French Roast

Peet’s is my go-to brew for several reasons, but one of the main reasons is their commitment to organic farming. Their smooth flavor is pure and without added chemicals and pesticides. Peet’s has direct relationships with many of their coffee farmers – some for over 50 years and works to bring the best coffee to our doorstep. Bottom line… if I’m going to drink coffee… I’m going to make sure it’s an amazing cup of coffee.

This blend is a rich, dark roast that comes from Latin America. It makes the best full-bodied cup of coffee, especially when it’s done in the French Press. Delish!

2. Simply Nature Organic

This is a great medium-roast coffee that you can find online or at Aldi. This is a great budget coffee that has both the organic certification and the fair trade label. Simply Nature Organic has two beans, one from Peru and one from Honduras, both offering a slightly different flavor profile. 

I love that Aldi provides us with high-quality products at prices that are in everyone’s budget, plus I think this is the best Fair Trade coffee for the price. This coffee bean has even won several awards recognizing the amazing taste of these beans. Plus, it comes in a K-cup version for those who prefer a quick, single cup brew.

a chemex pour over pouring out organic coffee into a white mug

Best Organic Coffee Beans

Thankfully, there are many organic brands of coffee available. This hasn’t always been the case, but as awareness of organic and fair trade practices have become more mainstream, the demand for this type of coffee has grown. That, in turn, has led to a surge in the organic coffee market and a greater availability for the consumer.

Let’s take a look at some of the best organic coffee brands on the market today.

1.Lifeboost Coffee

Lifeboost is grown 100% chemical-free and heralds the title: Healthiest Coffee on the Planet. Their coffee is grown and harvested using sustainable farming practices and is fairly traded. 

There are many brews to enjoy. They even have compostable single-cup, coffee pods available for the coffee consumer! One of their most popular coffee beans is their Medium Roast. This roast is sourced out of the mountains of Nicaragua, where only the highest varieties of Arabica beans are grown. 

The low acidity of this coffee is one of its selling points. It is also made in small batches, roasted fresh and shipped to your door, which means it’s not sitting on a store shelf for a year prior to being used. 

2. Death Wish Coffee

If you’re looking for the world’s strongest cup of coffee… you’ve found it! This coffee was created to be dark, bold, and to keep you awake for the entire day (high caffeine content, anyone?) and is also a low acid bean. Death Wish Coffee is made with both Arabica and Robusta beans to give you a big morning boost. 

One of the things I love about this brand is that they have so many types of coffee they offer- whole bean coffee, ground coffee, k-cups, and even pre-made cold brew. Something that is always true about Death Wish Coffee… this isn’t your bland conventional coffee. This coffee has a boldness in every cup.

3. Kicking Horse Coffee

Y’all, aside from the fact that the names of the coffees are tasteless, this coffee is full of flavor and never leaves you with a bitter taste in your cup. Many coffee lovers  drink this brand of coffee and rave about it being the most delicious coffee their taste buds have encountered.

Kicking Horse coffee is made with 100% certified Organic and Fairtrade Arabica beans and is roasted in the US, specifically in the Rocky Mountains. They have a large selection of specialty coffees ranging from a light roast all the way to a dark roast coffee, all made with organic beans. One of their most popular products is their medium-dark roast bean that hails from Central America & South America.

4. Don Pablo Subtle Earth Organic Coffee

Subtle Earth grows their coffee beans in the Marcala region of Honduras where they use traditional farming methods that don’t make use of pesticides or put damaging chemicals into the ground. This produces a great coffee, “… that features a bold, full body with a deep, rich dark chocolate flavor, and notes of smooth milk chocolate, sweet honey, caramel, and cocoa shine throughout,” according to their website. If that doesn’t sound delicious, I don’t know what does!

5. Real Good Coffee Co.

Real Good Coffee is made in the United States with “real good” prices, if you ask me. Read Good Coffee Co. doesn’t just want to sell you coffee, they want you to enjoy the entire coffee experience. Their main coffee comes in whole bean form, which they say brews the highest quality, freshest cup of coffee. The reason being is that when you grind a whole bean it releases the oils of the bean, which leads to a delicious smell and flavor profile. One huge benefit of grinding your own whole beans is that the coffee is as fresh as possible.

They have a wide variety of blends from a donut blend to a medium roast coffee to a French roast. They even offer Nespresso and K-cup pods.

Best Coffee Tools

While we’re at it, why don’t I share the BEST coffee tools that will take your brewing to the next level?

a white coffee mug full of coffee with white daisies in the background on the kitchen counter

Finding the Best Coffee

Finding the best organic coffee brand might seem like a bottomless task, but it sure is a tasty one. Each of these companies works hard to create their own beans  using practices that we can all feel good about… and that is a good thing, if you ask me.  

Most coffee drinkers find a blend and stick with it.  It seems that every palate is different when when you get used to one flavor profile, other coffee, no matter how amazing the bean is, won’t taste as good.  That is until your palate get used to that flavor.  

For our family, it’s worth it to make our dollars speak for us in whatever way we can.  Sometimes, it talks more than others, but buying coffee is an area that doesn’t have to break the bank to be effective.  I hope you found this “Best Organic Coffee” roundup of 2021 helpful and fun.  It was fun to research and explore the different brands in order to share them with you.  

four bags of whole bean coffee laying on a table

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